bzr push, working directory, bzrtools

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Wed Nov 2 22:51:32 GMT 2005

[ Re-adding the list in Cc, I suppose this is what you wanted to do ]

Joao Pedrosa <joaopedrosa at> writes:

> Hi,
> On 11/2/05, Matthieu Moy <Matthieu.Moy at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've updated my bzr, and noticed there was now a native "bzr push". I
>> suppose the one in bzrtools can now be removed.
>> The push command doen't create a working directory. The documentation
>> should mention the way to re-create this working directory when the
>> user has a local access to the push location.
>> It seems "revert" does the trick. Perhaps there's a better way.
> I just wanted to add that I was kind of surprised by it as well. For me I
> prefer the "BzrTools push" until I need something else. So, I am using "
> Bzr.ab" by Aaron Bentley with BzrTools. Actually, I loved the way that it
> worked, but I don't have a problem with overloading this function with many
> options. :-)

rsync is very good ... when you can use it. The big advantage of the
native bzr push is that it use bzr's transport layer, which means
today "sftp", but other could be added in the future (plain ftp would
be usefull to host an archive on almost any ISP, and Webdav would be
the killer feature for people working behind a restrictive firewall).

Another big difference is that the push destination doesn't need to be
identical to the local archive after the push, wherease rsync couldn't
do otherwise. In particular, this means you can push to an archive
that has a different history, but that has converged in the meantime.
(I think this means you can push to any archive you've just merged
from). In this case, bzrtools's push exited with an error (which means
that if someone pushed to the same archive in the meantime, you can't
do anything for it).

> By the way, the "revert trick" doesn't compare to the "rsync push" that
> Aaron implemented, I think.
> Pull + Push + Merge. Awesome trio. :-) No more "update" or "revert", unless
> required.
> Cheers,
> Joao


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