Ubuntu Below Zero Meet

James Blackwell jblack at merconline.com
Wed Oct 12 07:07:27 BST 2005

Hi all! 

Canonical has a meeting coming up called "Ubuntu Below Zero." This meeting,
situated in Canada, will have the Bazaar-NG portion from 2-10 November. At
this meeting you can expect to find gobs of impressive free software
developers working their butts off -- including most, if not all, of the
Bazaar-NG team. 

The meeting details are: 

Name: Holiday Inn Select
  St: 99 Viger Ave & St. Urbain St.
City: Montreal, QC, H2Z1E9
 Tel: 1-514-8789888 
 Url: http://www.ichotelsgroup.com/h/d/6c/1/en/hd/yulca
Date: 02 Nov 05 - 10 Nov 05, (06 November is a break day)
Time: 0900 - 1900
 GPS:  N 41d 15.961' , W 75d 53.626'.

 More info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBelowZero

What will attending be like?

The meeting specifics have not been fully planned out at this point. If
previous meetings are any indications, then one can expect a day along
these lines: 

All of the meeting attendees are invited for a morning meeting starting
promptly at nine AM for approximately 45 minutes. To avoid distractions to
the morning meeting members and potential demonstrations, we kindly request
that no entrances be made during the meeting.

Following a short break, we begin the normal daily schedule. The schedule
is typically broken up into one hour segments: 45 minutes of specification
planning and 15 minutes of break. Specification planning involves
discussing and formalizing future plans for Bazaar. Breaks, well, if you
don't know how to take a break, then you need more help than this document
can provide.

Exactly how are these plans formed?

The Bazaar-NG team plans future work by writing specifications. A
specification is a formalized description of a problem that exists, a
description of the way a user could work if the problem was already fixed
and a description of the specific plan of action on how to get from the
first description to the second one.

If you have written any of the the pages listed at
http://bazaar.canonical.com/BzrRequests, then you have already participated
in the specification process! 

That sounds like work to me

I'd be lying to you if I didn't tell you that participating in the
specification process isn't a lot of effort. There are many things that
take effort that are entertaining as well: playing chess, biking &
swimming, gardening and free software development. Especially free software

Your participation in specification writing will help shape the software
that is bound to shape the form of free software to come.  What can be more
fun that that?

Of course, its not all fun and games. Once we've burned up all of our brain
cells doing the fun parts, we're left with little to do but visit pubs and

What should I bring?

Yourself, of course. Other useful things include your wireless enabled
laptop, clothing, playing cards and such.

If you plan upon staying over at the hotel, then you can make reservations
at the hotel listed above. Be sure to mention that you're visiting the
Canonical meeting in order to get the discount.

If you happen to travel far for the meeting, I suggest that you break a
heavy jacket. :)

Sign me up!

There's absolutely no need to sign up. However, I have set up an informal
list of people that will be attending Ubuntu Below at

See you guys there!

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