Unable to create directory $HOME/.bzr.conf on windows 2000

Marius Kruger amanic at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 07:41:50 BST 2005

this is just a minor snag for windows 2000 users
(which is obviously workarounable with environment variable setting)
But I believe one of bzr's goals is to be platform independant,
which is why I sent this platform dependancy note:

windows 2000 doesnt like directory names starting with '.',
I think a viable solutions are:
1) check for both ``$HOME/.bzr.conf/email`` and ``$HOME/bzr.conf/email``
2) check os and decide which to look for ``$HOME/.bzr.conf/email`` or
3) change this dir name to ``$HOME/bzr.conf/email`` for all os's

Marius Kruger
--had it up till here with cvs!

>From the latest release (0.1) totorial.txt Line 41 and on:

[after 0.0.4] To tell bzr which email address to use, put it in the file
``$HOME/.bzr.conf/email``, or the environment variable ``$BZREMAIL``.
If neither of these are set, bzr will use the ``$EMAIL``
variable, or use your username and hostname.
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