Bazaar-NG traffic #2

John A Meinel john at
Thu Oct 13 01:35:53 BST 2005

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Robert Collins wrote:
>>>On Wed, 2005-10-12 at 15:11 +0800, Lalo Martins wrote:
>>>>>On 12/10/05, James Blackwell <jblack at> wrote:
>>>>>>Hmm. I was planning on sticking with American english rules for writing
>>>>>>(Full name for first reference, last name for all following references).
>>>>>>I'll be happy to make an exception for you, but now that we've opened the
>>>>>>question, does anybody else have an opinion?
>>>>Not sure I'll ever be quoted, but if I am, I'd rather be Lalo; if you
>>>>refer to "Martins", people will think you're talking about Martin and
>>>>assume a typo :-)
>>>I loath the Collins thing, but presumed you were duplicating some known
>>>style somewhere.
> Can I be called "thunderbolt master of the cosmic powers"?
> Aaron

Dangit you took mine! :)

Actually TMOCP doesn't really roll of the tongue anyway.
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