Revenge of the pretty pictures

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Sep 22 23:07:44 BST 2005

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>>>The only problem I see right now, is that the "title" defaults to the
>>>label of the node. While I would like to sneak in extra information.
>>>Also, I don't see any way to make the "title" be more than one line
>>>('\n' is printed literally).
> Yeah, probably an HTML limitation.  Anyhow, I've added an href attribute
> to Node, and set it to '#' by default.

I'm thinking it might be nice to make it ".bzr/revision-store/$rev_id"
so that we could actually have a link to the revision contents (long
term, a bzr webserver could do all sorts of things with the link).

>>>What I'm thinking is that we might be able to have the graph-ancestry
>>>command generate the cmap, so you could do:
>>>bzr graph-ancestry --html=../test.hmtl . ../test.png
> We could go fancier and just have graph-ancestry test.html produce the
> HTML and the png.

I'm looking into this right now.

> Unfortunately, the antialias-via-svg approach doesn't work, because the
> boxes get misaligned.

Well, mostly it is just the case of SVG being at a different resolution.
But the default resolution from dot seems to be in the 110dpi range, so
it's kind of a weird number.

>>>I think there is some promise with the cmap. At the very least, we could
>>>make the "title" parameter be the first line of the commit message. Or
>>>we could make it something like "bzr log --short".
> Yeah, something like that would be nice.

My current branch does "YYYY-MM-DD: First line of message"

Which you can see on my website. It actually is pretty nice. And really
helps in understanding what is going on.


> Aaron

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