Revenge of the pretty pictures

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Sep 23 00:23:22 BST 2005

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Aaron Bentley wrote:
>>John Arbash Meinel wrote:

Take a look at:

The output is available here:

Or a merge version, which shows the difference between bzr-integration

Or a complete history of the bzrtools tree:

I tried to do a complete history of, but I think dot is
incapable of generating a png file that big.

Basically, just mouse over any revision, and it should pop up the first
line of the commit comment.

There isn't a lot more that we can do with just regular html and a cmap,
but I think if someone wanted to work it out, you could do quite a bit
of fancy stuff with a bit of javascript. The html output could just
embed most of the revision information, and then on mouse over, you
could put a much nicer tooltip.

Unfortunately, only the dot png output currently lines up properly with
the cmap, so you can't use the nice antialiased version. But I'm sure
we'll work that out eventually :).

I faked one (by running it normally to get the size, and then invoking
rsvg manually)

But the boxes still don't line up perfectly. Probably svg lays things
out with a larger border, or somesuch, because the image size is identical.


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