Centralized Storage, round 2

Erik Bågfors zindar at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 15:54:55 BST 2005

I just wanted to second Aaron here.  I'd like to move my company over
to bzr at some point. And a central storage is a big plus.  Right now
when using subversion, as soon as someone does a commit, everyone can
access it and we can do "svn copy trunk branches/branch1" and EVERYONE
can use branch1 directly.

My preference would be if the same thing could be done with bzr but
ALSO you should be able to create a local branch, do everything
locally, then merge back into the central branch etc....

We have everyone on the local LAN but lot's of people are travelling
and being in places without connectivity to our central repository. 
Then it makes much sence to be able to do offline stuff.


2005/9/16, Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Robert Collins wrote:
> > Sounds to me that that centralised storage isn't really the key here;
> > its having the branches in a central place that you can
> > backup/access/merge from.
> That's the kind of centralized storage I'd like to see.
> > (/home/warthogs/archives/USERNAME/$CATEGORY/[$VERSION/]/$BRANCH). This
> > will be inefficient without central storage, but will be easy to use.
> It won't be as easy as Arch.  Branching will require extra steps.
> Managers have a concern about DRCS that it could lead to branches being
> lost.  They want to be reassured that they'll be able to find everything
> without being dependent on a particular programmer.  They want a system
> where centralization of branches can be on by default.
> > As
> > our developers currently mirror their archives up, they will be using
> > push as the equivalent to 'mirror', and I'll be doing a 'post commit
> > hook' to make this happen automatically for those who want that.
> That makes sense for a spread-out organization like Canonical, but it's
> silly when everyone's on the same LAN.
> Aaron
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