GUI for bazaar-ng

Sean Wheller sean at
Sat Jul 9 19:59:35 BST 2005

On Saturday 09 July 2005 18:26, John A Meinel wrote:
> Could you tell me more what you explicitly like/dislike about it? In
> general, the layout is what I was thinking, where you have the
> directories along the left, files in a window on the right, and the
> icons are colored by file status.
> Is there anything specifically good or bad here?

Well there is lots of good stuff it's hard to list here, but if I was to list 
may favorites in order:
1. Three panel view (tree, file-list, message)
2. Ability to use menu/dialog driven method to perform actions or to use the 
command line.
3. Online update shows real-time status of files.
4. Ability to create workspaces.
5. Ability to use a flat view in list view and filter that to view only 
changed files
6. Merge dialogs with easy update to branches, tags, trunk paths
\...the list is long but the best feature of all is the ability to browse the 
repository using a gui.

eSvn makes learning SVN easy for newbies. I have introduced many people to it 
who have never used a revision management system and all have been able to 
use it. That is very important.
Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at
Registered Linux User #375355
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