Arch/Baz import script

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu May 5 07:10:41 BST 2005

On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 22:39 -0700, Robey Pointer wrote:

> I don't mean to slag their work; I'm sure they meant well. 

Uhm, current tense please. We still mean well ;).

>  But the 3rd 
> time I ran into the weird problems with building "hackerlab" (which, for 
> example, seems to think it's important to build a conflicting version of 
> posix regex, using the same names...) I kinda had a "moment of clarity" 
> where I realized that C is just not the right language for things like 
> this anymore.  bzr is definitely the way to go and I'd rather spend time 
> on this than the baz project, which was interesting but now (to me) moot.
> Anyway, enough rambling.  I haven't figured out how I can help so I'm 
> just watching and tinkering for now. :)

Bug reports for the problems you had on Baz would still be very valuable
to me, should you have time to give me a screen dump or log output of
what occured.


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