[apparmor] Meeting in FOSDEM?

John Johansen john.johansen at canonical.com
Thu Jan 9 21:42:49 UTC 2020

On 1/9/20 1:33 PM, John Johansen wrote:
> On 1/9/20 12:16 PM, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Any AppArmor developers attending FOSDEM 2020?
>> Would you like to have a small meeting or something, maybe discuss 3.0
>> development..?
> Hi Otto,
> unfortunately neither Christian nor I will be at FOSDEM this year. It is
> possible that Chris will be but he isn't online atm.
unfortunately he isn't going either this year. We should circle back to
this in the fall. If we plan it then we might be able to get several of
us there next year.

I know its not as good as a face to face meeting but for a 3.0 discussion
we can always have an irc meeting or even a video conference.

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