[apparmor] [PATCH] parser: Preserve techdoc files in the clean target

Tyler Hicks tyhicks at canonical.com
Fri Jan 20 16:22:12 UTC 2017

On 01/20/2017 09:46 AM, intrigeri wrote:
> Tyler Hicks:
>> On 01/20/2017 02:15 AM, intrigeri wrote:
>>> note that as far the Debian packaging is concerned, I'll keep building
>>> that file from source: that's the only way to guarantee that we
>>> distribute the source "code" corresponding to the binary artifacts
>>> included in our binary packages. This doesn't conflict with the
>>> proposed patch though, I'll just need to delete the pre-built PDF
>>> found in the upstream tarball before building, to ensure it is indeed
>>> built from scratch :)
>> I don't think this is going to work as well as you'd like. :/
>> The pdf is being generated in a 'setup' target, which the Debian
>> packaging doesn't currently use and I'm not even sure if it should use
>> it. Deleting the pdf and then building the package, in the way that
>> Debian packaging is currently doing it, will not regenerate the pdf file.
> Do you mean this won't work anymore once the patch proposed on this
> thread is applied? (FTR it seems to work just fine in 2.11.0-1.)

No, I didn't think it would work with or without this patch. Great to
hear that it did work for you!

>> In Ubuntu, I was planning on using the pre-generated pdf.
> Then I guess we should simply agree to disagree about this aspect of
> Free Software :)

I don't even know if I disagree with you on this topic. I just don't
have strong convictions about using a PDF that upstream generated and
was instead excited about the simplified build process. In the time that
it'd take us to enjoy a single round of beers, I bet you could convince
me that it is the wrong way of thinking. :)


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