[apparmor] apparmor utils --json for yast support

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Fri Jan 13 18:25:26 UTC 2017

Hi Goldwyn,

Am Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2016, 21:33:17 CET schrieb Goldwyn Rodrigues:
> Thanks, Thats a lot of information. I will work on this and let you
> know as the work progresses.

Half a year later - any progress?

As you probably noticed, AppArmor 2.11 was released some days ago, and 
we still have to ship the deprecated and bitrotting perl modules because 
YaST still needs them. (They were last used by the aa-* tools in 2.8, 
and contain quite some bugs which are also affect the YaST module.)

The next AppArmor version will probably come with a new "dconf" rule 
type, so it might be a good idea to focus on adding --json to the utils 
and rewriting the YaST module instead of riding^Wmaintaining a dead 
horse even longer ;-)

Someone at SUSE recommended that I should announce that the perl modules 
will finally be dropped in the next release to force progress in YaST. 
If you need this to get a time budget for working on this, tell me and 
I'll happily send that announcement to the YaST mailinglist ;-)

Even without such an announcement, I can tell you that none of the 
upstream developers will touch the perl modules, so you'll at least have 
to implement dconf rule support yourself.


Christian Boltz

PS: Maybe this would be a possible GSoC project. I won't be able to 
    mentor the YaST module [1], but I can co-mentor and help with the 
    json implementation on the AppArmor side.

[1] no, I don't want to learn ruby the same way I learned python ;-)

"we will support any library from any repo combined with
any application" is something that NO ONE does.
Or if they do, they are insane, or lying, or both.
[Greg KH in opensuse-factory]
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