[apparmor] [patch] [3/9] Add DbusRule and DbusRuleset classes
Christian Boltz
apparmor at cboltz.de
Sun Dec 27 15:05:43 UTC 2015
Those classes will be used to parse and handle dbus rules.
They understand the syntax of dbus rules.
Note that get_clean() doesn't output superfluos things, so
dbus ( send ),
will become
dbus send,
Note: r, read, w, write, rw are not documented in apparmor.d.pod.
[ 54-add-DbusRule.diff ]
--- utils/apparmor/rule/dbus.py 2015-12-27 00:13:37.990086206 +0100
+++ utils/apparmor/rule/dbus.py 2015-12-27 00:13:07.714299658 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Boltz <apparmor at cboltz.de>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+import re
+from apparmor.regex import RE_PROFILE_DBUS, RE_PROFILE_NAME, strip_parenthesis, strip_quotes
+from apparmor.common import AppArmorBug, AppArmorException
+from apparmor.rule import BaseRule, BaseRuleset, check_and_split_list, logprof_value_or_all, parse_modifiers, quote_if_needed
+# setup module translations
+from apparmor.translations import init_translation
+_ = init_translation()
+message_keywords = ['send', 'receive', 'r', 'read', 'w', 'write', 'rw']
+access_keywords = [ 'bind', 'eavesdrop' ] + message_keywords
+# XXX joint_access_keyword and RE_ACCESS_KEYWORDS exactly as in SignalRule - move to function?
+joint_access_keyword = '(' + '(\s|,)*' + '(' + '|'.join(access_keywords) + ')(\s|,)*' + ')'
+RE_ACCESS_KEYWORDS = ( joint_access_keyword + # one of the access_keyword or
+ '|' + # or
+ '\(' + '(\s|,)*' + joint_access_keyword + '?' + '(' + '(\s|,)+' + joint_access_keyword + ')*' + '\)' # one or more access_keyword in (...)
+ )
+RE_FLAG = '(?P<%s>(\S+|"[^"]+"|\(\s*\S+\s*\)|\(\s*"[^"]+"\)\s*))' # string without spaces, or quoted string, optionally wrapped in (...). %s is the match group name
+# plaintext version: | * | "* " | ( * ) | ( " * " ) |
+RE_DBUS_DETAILS = re.compile(
+ '^' +
+ '(\s+(?P<access>' + RE_ACCESS_KEYWORDS + '))?' + # optional access keyword(s)
+ '(\s+(bus\s*=\s*' + RE_FLAG % 'bus' + '))?' + # optional bus= system | session | AARE, (...) optional
+ '(\s+(path\s*=\s*' + RE_FLAG % 'path' + '))?' + # optional path=AARE, (...) optional
+ '(\s+(name\s*=\s*' + RE_FLAG % 'name' + '))?' + # optional name=AARE, (...) optional
+ '(\s+(interface\s*=\s*' + RE_FLAG % 'interface' + '))?' + # optional interface=AARE, (...) optional
+ '(\s+(member\s*=\s*' + RE_FLAG % 'member' + '))?' + # optional member=AARE, (...) optional
+ '(\s+(peer\s*=\s*\((,|\s)*' + # optional peer=( name=AARE and/or label=AARE ), (...) required
+ '(' +
+ '(' + '(,|\s)*' + ')' + # empty peer=()
+ '|' # or
+ '(' + 'name\s*=\s*' + RE_PROFILE_NAME % 'peername1' + ')' + # only peer name (match group peername1)
+ '|' # or
+ '(' + 'label\s*=\s*' + RE_PROFILE_NAME % 'peerlabel1' + ')' + # only peer label (match group peerlabel1)
+ '|' # or
+ '(' + 'name\s*=\s*' + RE_PROFILE_NAME % 'peername2' + '(,|\s)+' + 'label\s*=\s*' + RE_PROFILE_NAME % 'peerlabel2' + ')' + # peer name + label (match name peername2/peerlabel2)
+ '|' # or
+ '(' + 'label\s*=\s*' + RE_PROFILE_NAME % 'peerlabel3' + '(,|\s)+' + 'name\s*=\s*' + RE_PROFILE_NAME % 'peername3' + ')' + # peer label + name (match name peername3/peerlabel3)
+ ')'
+ '(,|\s)*\)))?'
+ '\s*$')
+class DbusRule(BaseRule):
+ '''Class to handle and store a single dbus rule'''
+ # Nothing external should reference this class, all external users
+ # should reference the class field DbusRule.ALL
+ class __DbusAll(object):
+ pass
+ ALL = __DbusAll
+ rule_name = 'dbus'
+ def __init__(self, access, bus, path, name, interface, member, peername, peerlabel,
+ audit=False, deny=False, allow_keyword=False, comment='', log_event=None):
+ super(DbusRule, self).__init__(audit=audit, deny=deny,
+ allow_keyword=allow_keyword,
+ comment=comment,
+ log_event=log_event)
+ self.access, self.all_access, unknown_items = check_and_split_list(access, access_keywords, DbusRule.ALL, 'DbusRule', 'access')
+ if unknown_items:
+ raise AppArmorException(_('Passed unknown access keyword to DbusRule: %s') % ' '.join(unknown_items))
+ # rulepart partname is_path log_event
+ self.bus, self.all_buses = self._aare_or_all(bus, 'bus', False, log_event)
+ self.path, self.all_paths = self._aare_or_all(path, 'path', True, log_event)
+ self.name, self.all_names = self._aare_or_all(name, 'name', False, log_event)
+ self.interface, self.all_interfaces = self._aare_or_all(interface, 'interface', False, log_event)
+ self.member, self.all_members = self._aare_or_all(member, 'member', False, log_event)
+ self.peername, self.all_peernames = self._aare_or_all(peername, 'peer name', False, log_event)
+ self.peerlabel, self.all_peerlabels = self._aare_or_all(peerlabel, 'peer label', False, log_event)
+ # not all combinations are allowed
+ if self.access and 'bind' in self.access and (self.path or self.interface or self.member or self.peername or self.peerlabel):
+ raise AppArmorException(_('dbus bind rules must not contain a path, interface, member or peer conditional'))
+ elif self.access and 'eavesdrop' in self.access and (self.name or self.path or self.interface or self.member or self.peername or self.peerlabel):
+ raise AppArmorException(_('dbus eavesdrop rules must not contain a name, path, interface, member or peer conditional'))
+ elif self.access and self.name:
+ for msg in message_keywords:
+ if msg in self.access:
+ raise AppArmorException(_('dbus %s rules must not contain a name conditional') % '/'.join(self.access))
+ @classmethod
+ def _match(cls, raw_rule):
+ return RE_PROFILE_DBUS.search(raw_rule)
+ @classmethod
+ def _parse(cls, raw_rule):
+ '''parse raw_rule and return DbusRule'''
+ matches = cls._match(raw_rule)
+ if not matches:
+ raise AppArmorException(_("Invalid dbus rule '%s'") % raw_rule)
+ audit, deny, allow_keyword, comment = parse_modifiers(matches)
+ rule_details = ''
+ if matches.group('details'):
+ rule_details = matches.group('details')
+ if rule_details:
+ details = RE_DBUS_DETAILS.search(rule_details)
+ if not details:
+ raise AppArmorException(_("Invalid or unknown keywords in 'dbus %s" % rule_details))
+ if details.group('access'):
+ # XXX move to function _split_access()?
+ access = strip_parenthesis(details.group('access'))
+ access = access.replace(',', ' ').split() # split by ',' or whitespace
+ if access == []: # XXX that happens for "dbus ( )," rules - correct behaviour? (also: same for signal rules?)
+ access = DbusRule.ALL
+ else:
+ access = DbusRule.ALL
+ if details.group('bus'):
+ bus = strip_parenthesis(strip_quotes(details.group('bus')))
+ else:
+ bus = DbusRule.ALL
+ if details.group('path'):
+ path = strip_parenthesis(strip_quotes(details.group('path')))
+ else:
+ path = DbusRule.ALL
+ if details.group('name'):
+ name = strip_parenthesis(strip_quotes(details.group('name')))
+ else:
+ name = DbusRule.ALL
+ if details.group('interface'):
+ interface = strip_parenthesis(strip_quotes(details.group('interface')))
+ else:
+ interface = DbusRule.ALL
+ if details.group('member'):
+ member = strip_parenthesis(strip_quotes(details.group('member')))
+ else:
+ member = DbusRule.ALL
+ if details.group('peername1'):
+ peername = strip_parenthesis(strip_quotes(details.group('peername1')))
+ elif details.group('peername2'):
+ peername = strip_parenthesis(strip_quotes(details.group('peername2')))
+ elif details.group('peername3'):
+ peername = strip_parenthesis(strip_quotes(details.group('peername3')))
+ else:
+ peername = DbusRule.ALL
+ if details.group('peerlabel1'):
+ peerlabel = strip_parenthesis(strip_quotes(details.group('peerlabel1')))
+ elif details.group('peerlabel2'):
+ peerlabel = strip_parenthesis(strip_quotes(details.group('peerlabel2')))
+ elif details.group('peerlabel3'):
+ peerlabel = strip_parenthesis(strip_quotes(details.group('peerlabel3')))
+ else:
+ peerlabel = DbusRule.ALL
+ else:
+ access = DbusRule.ALL
+ bus = DbusRule.ALL
+ path = DbusRule.ALL
+ name = DbusRule.ALL
+ interface = DbusRule.ALL
+ member = DbusRule.ALL
+ peername = DbusRule.ALL
+ peerlabel = DbusRule.ALL
+ return DbusRule(access, bus, path, name, interface, member, peername, peerlabel,
+ audit=audit, deny=deny, allow_keyword=allow_keyword, comment=comment)
+ def get_clean(self, depth=0):
+ '''return rule (in clean/default formatting)'''
+ space = ' ' * depth
+ # XXX split off _get_access_rule_part? (also needed in PtraceRule)
+ if self.all_access:
+ access = ''
+ elif len(self.access) == 1:
+ access = ' %s' % ' '.join(self.access)
+ elif self.access:
+ access = ' (%s)' % ' '.join(sorted(self.access))
+ else:
+ raise AppArmorBug('Empty access in dbus rule')
+ bus = self._get_aare_rule_part('bus', self.bus, self.all_buses)
+ path = self._get_aare_rule_part('path', self.path, self.all_paths)
+ name = self._get_aare_rule_part('name', self.name, self.all_names)
+ interface = self._get_aare_rule_part('interface', self.interface, self.all_interfaces)
+ member = self._get_aare_rule_part('member', self.member, self.all_members)
+ peername = self._get_aare_rule_part('name', self.peername, self.all_peernames)
+ peerlabel = self._get_aare_rule_part('label', self.peerlabel, self.all_peerlabels)
+ peer = peername + peerlabel
+ if peer:
+ peer = ' peer=(%s)' % peer.strip()
+ return('%s%sdbus%s%s%s%s%s%s%s,%s' % (space, self.modifiers_str(), access, bus, path, name, interface, member, peer, self.comment))
+ def _get_aare_rule_part(self, prefix, value, all_values):
+ '''helper function to write a rule part
+ value is expected to be a AARE'''
+ if all_values:
+ return ''
+ elif value:
+ return ' %(prefix)s=%(value)s' % {'prefix': prefix, 'value': quote_if_needed(value.regex)}
+ else:
+ raise AppArmorBug('Empty %(prefix_name)s in %(rule_name)s rule' % {'prefix_name': prefix, 'rule_name': self.rule_name})
+ def is_covered_localvars(self, other_rule):
+ '''check if other_rule is covered by this rule object'''
+ if not self._is_covered_list(self.access, self.all_access, other_rule.access, other_rule.all_access, 'access'):
+ return False
+ if not self._is_covered_aare(self.bus, self.all_buses, other_rule.bus, other_rule.all_buses, 'bus'):
+ return False
+ if not self._is_covered_aare(self.path, self.all_paths, other_rule.path, other_rule.all_paths, 'path'):
+ return False
+ if not self._is_covered_aare(self.name, self.all_names, other_rule.name, other_rule.all_names, 'name'):
+ return False
+ if not self._is_covered_aare(self.interface, self.all_interfaces, other_rule.interface, other_rule.all_interfaces, 'interface'):
+ return False
+ if not self._is_covered_aare(self.member, self.all_members, other_rule.member, other_rule.all_members, 'member'):
+ return False
+ if not self._is_covered_aare(self.peername, self.all_peernames, other_rule.peername, other_rule.all_peernames, 'peername'):
+ return False
+ if not self._is_covered_aare(self.peerlabel, self.all_peerlabels, other_rule.peerlabel, other_rule.all_peerlabels, 'peerlabel'):
+ return False
+ # still here? -> then it is covered
+ return True
+ def is_equal_localvars(self, rule_obj):
+ '''compare if rule-specific variables are equal'''
+ if not type(rule_obj) == DbusRule:
+ raise AppArmorBug('Passed non-dbus rule: %s' % str(rule_obj))
+ if (self.access != rule_obj.access
+ or self.all_access != rule_obj.all_access):
+ return False
+ if not self._is_equal_aare(self.bus, self.all_buses, rule_obj.bus, rule_obj.all_buses, 'bus'):
+ return False
+ if not self._is_equal_aare(self.path, self.all_paths, rule_obj.path, rule_obj.all_paths, 'path'):
+ return False
+ if not self._is_equal_aare(self.name, self.all_names, rule_obj.name, rule_obj.all_names, 'name'):
+ return False
+ if not self._is_equal_aare(self.interface, self.all_interfaces, rule_obj.interface, rule_obj.all_interfaces, 'interface'):
+ return False
+ if not self._is_equal_aare(self.member, self.all_members, rule_obj.member, rule_obj.all_members, 'member'):
+ return False
+ if not self._is_equal_aare(self.peername, self.all_peernames, rule_obj.peername, rule_obj.all_peernames, 'peername'):
+ return False
+ if not self._is_equal_aare(self.peerlabel, self.all_peerlabels, rule_obj.peerlabel, rule_obj.all_peerlabels, 'peerlabel'):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def logprof_header_localvars(self):
+ access = logprof_value_or_all(self.access, self.all_access)
+ bus = logprof_value_or_all(self.bus, self.all_buses)
+ path = logprof_value_or_all(self.path, self.all_paths)
+ name = logprof_value_or_all(self.name, self.all_names)
+ interface = logprof_value_or_all(self.interface, self.all_interfaces)
+ member = logprof_value_or_all(self.member, self.all_members)
+ peername = logprof_value_or_all(self.peername, self.all_peernames)
+ peerlabel = logprof_value_or_all(self.peerlabel, self.all_peerlabels)
+ return [
+ _('Access mode'), access,
+ _('Bus'), bus,
+ _('Path'), path,
+ _('Name'), name,
+ _('Interface'), interface,
+ _('Member'), member,
+ _('Peer name'), peername,
+ _('Peer label'), peerlabel,
+ ]
+class DbusRuleset(BaseRuleset):
+ '''Class to handle and store a collection of dbus rules'''
+ def get_glob(self, path_or_rule):
+ '''Return the next possible glob. For dbus rules, that means removing access or removing/globbing bus'''
+ # XXX only remove one part, not all
+ return 'dbus,'
Christian Boltz
Und der erste, der mich darauf hinweist, ich könne das ja selbst
umkonfigurieren, ich müsse nur die 200KB-Doku lesen, den besuche
ich zu Hause und *singe*(!) ihm den Sourcecode vor, und DAS ist
WIRKLICH eine STRAFE. [Ratti in suse-linux]
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