[apparmor] Weird problem with LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Aaron Lewis the.warl0ck.1989 at gmail.com
Tue May 6 00:40:09 UTC 2014


I'm trying to setup a chromium profile that is installed in a
different location,

%> cat /opt/chromium/chromium/chromium.sh

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/chromium/libs/
/opt/chromium/chromium/chromium "$@"

When I enforce the opt.chromium.chromium.chromium.sh policy, it says:
(No problem running it if aa is diabled)
%> /opt/chromium/chromium/chromium.sh
/opt/chromium/chromium/chromium: error while loading shared libraries:
libicui18n.so.52: cannot open shared object file: No such file or

But I already have: "/opt/chromium/libs/* rm," in that profile, anything wrong?

That profile is for "/opt/chromium/chromium/chromium", not the script though

Best Regards,
Aaron Lewis - PGP: 0x13714D33 - http://pgp.mit.edu/
Finger Print:   9F67 391B B770 8FF6 99DC  D92D 87F6 2602 1371 4D33

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