[apparmor] [PATCH] towards a common build infrastructure

Seth Arnold seth.arnold at gmail.com
Mon May 7 00:09:08 UTC 2012

Use $MAKE instead, that way the jobserver can keep informed about how many jobs sub-makes are using.

I do like that ./configure --prefix makes selecting between /usr and /usr/local easy but I have trouble seeing what else it gives us.
-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Boltz <apparmor at cboltz.de>
Sender: apparmor-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
Date: Mon, 07 May 2012 01:12:20 
To: <apparmor at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: [apparmor] [PATCH] towards a common build infrastructure


Am Sonntag, 6. Mai 2012 schrieb Kees Cook:
> On Sun, May 06, 2012 at 01:46:30AM +0200, Christian Boltz wrote:
> > I prefer hand-written Makefiles - but that might be a matter of
> > personal taste ;-) (and, in my case, missing knownledge about
> > automake)
> I find it much easier to deal with large projects via autoconf and
> automake. There is rarely anything 'strange' enough that it requires
> much fiddling. I prefer it because it makes the build system familiar
> to most people trying to understand it, and the templates are small.

I'd guess even more people understand plain Makefiles ;-) and I can
guarantee you that nearly nobody understands the automake-generated
Makefiles (reading them might be needed to track down build issues)

> > > === modified file 'README'
> > 
> > You only deleted the lines describing the current build "system",
> > but
> > didn't add any note how to build AppArmor with automake...
> It's still there. It's just hugely reduced. (Which is why I wanted to
> push for this.)

Re-reading your patch a second time, I noticed that you are right.
I expected some + lines in the README patch, but you found a clever way 
to recycle the existing lines ;-)

> I just want the build system simplified. 

Well, I remember (from another project) that plain Makefiles can work 
with subdirs without problems. Something like this will work as Makefile
in the top-level directory (untested braindump)

subdirs=changehat/mod_apparmor changehat/pam_apparmor libraries/libapparmor parser profiles utils

	for dir in $(subdirs) ; do make -C $$dir || exit 1 ; done
	for dir in $(subdirs) ; do make -C $$dir clean || exit 1 ; done
	for dir in $(subdirs) ; do make -C $$dir install || exit 1 ; done

And now tell me how automake can make things simpler than this ;-)

Hmm, I should have sent this as patch earlier - it would have been easier
than updating the spec with tons of "make -C" calls...


Christian Boltz

[1] after dropping the laaaaarge automake patch
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