[xubuntu-users] Another road

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at zoho.com
Mon Dec 2 16:26:54 UTC 2024

On Mon, 2024-12-02 at 12:13 +0000, Liam Proven wrote:
> > I have to migrate VirtualBox to KVM in time
> Host or guest?


I got rid of all issues with VirtualBox Windows 10 and Windows 11 guests
by migrating from the Oracle branded non-OSE as well as from the OSE
versions via packages, even self made packages with fixes, to the "All
distributions (built on EL6 and therefore not requiring recent system
libraries)" version, with no distro specific dependencies or DKMS

I'm already a QEMU/KVM user and experienced that it also does break, if
you don't fix issues as you need to do for VirtualBox from packages,

In my experiences VirtualBox is the best solution, when using the Oracle
run script. VirtualBox and QEMU/KVM from packages every now and then
break, especially when the moment is particularly inappropriate.


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