[xubuntu-users] Xsane icon

Peter Flynn peter at silmaril.ie
Tue Nov 7 17:09:32 UTC 2023

On 06/11/2023 23:14, Victor Forberger wrote:
> On 11/6/23 15:44, Peter Flynn wrote:
>> Just curious. Why is the Xsane icon a stylised old dial telephone?

> Good question.
> The icon actually is spiffy when see in full view and glory.

It is. But what *is* it? Or is it just two swirls?

> But, on the xubuntu desktop it does look like a dial telephone.
> The project is at https://gitlab.com/sane-project/frontend/xsane
> xsane author is cc'd

Thank you. I shall be interested to know.

> I use xsane daily, and it is just awesome.

Me too, it's indispensible.


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