[xubuntu-users] firefox snap update ...

Victor Forberger vforberger at fastmail.fm
Mon Oct 24 15:37:47 UTC 2022

On 10/21/22 03:35, Marc Coevoet wrote:
> How can we stop this message on firefox?
> Can we take a software depot from elsewhere, so that updates are 
> automatic with the rest?
> Marc

Firefox snap cannot update when running, so you are getting a message 
about it being available when Firefox is running.

Quit Firefox and wait. Or quit FireFox and run Settings|Software 
Updater. Or quit FireFox and type in the terminal this command:

$ sudo snap refresh (my preferred method)
[enter password, press return/enter]

I prefer the later method for snaps, because snap updates via 
Settings|Software Updater seem to be hit and miss (mostly miss) outside 
of the terminal command.

Victor Forberger
vforberger at fastmail.fm
blog: http://linuxatty.wordpress.com

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