[xubuntu-users] Time zones in Xubuntu 14 and 16?

Knute Johnson groups at knutejohnson.com
Mon Mar 28 21:06:27 UTC 2022

I've got a couple hundred Xubuntu 14 and 16 boxes running in a closed 
network in Nevada.  Nevada is talking about changing timezones as is 
Congress for the whole country.  These boxes have no access to the 
internet.  They currently sync time with a GPS unit on their network. 
Accurate time is critical for the applications running on these 
computers.  I think they are all running NTP as opposed to the 
timedatectl service that is running on current Xubuntu.

So here is the problem.  If the timezone changes, the data we are 
receiving will be coded with the new Nevada time and we need to get the 
Xubuntu boxes on that timezone too so that they will display the data 

Nevada is talking about going with Arizona time which is Mountain 
Standard all year.  If that were the case we can probably use an 
existing time zone in the Xubuntu boxes.  If Congress gets rid of 
daylight savings and Nevada stays with Pacific time, I don't think there 
is a timezone like Arizona's that doesn't have daylight savings. Crazier 
yet, since some folks like daylight savings, some don't but a lot of 
people don't like changing either way.  So what if Congress splits the 
baby and we go to a 30 minute timezone like India?  That isn't going to 
be in the box either I don't think.

Anybody got any ideas?



Knute Johnson

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