[xubuntu-users] Please help

Elbert LaGrew elagrew at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 10:12:22 UTC 2022

The first thing you need to do is to do some research and find out what
those BIOS settings are used for and how they are changed properly.  Going
in willy nilly and changing what you THINK they should be is not the right
way to go about it.

Ask your resources if there is anyone who has the same model
computer/BIOS.  Be EXACT. Pictures if necessary. and see what others have
done to get LINUX installed.

A little research and leg work will go a long way in solving your problem.


On Mon, Jun 20, 2022 at 12:31 AM Donny Turang <dorang71 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thankyou for the response.
> I'll give it a try (22.04).
> However, the problem when I install Linux OS (Ubuntu and its variants) on the acer aspire 4075 laptop, it always fails to boot.
> Note: Other computers (desktops and laptops) I have installed Ubuntu and its variants (Lubuntu, Xubuntu) without any problems.
> Especially for installing linux on the acer aspire 4750 laptop it always fails to boot.
> I see, maybe, the problem is in the laptop's bios. Moreover, in the bios menu it says ubuntu and ubuntu is never lost, even though I return the settings to default (even go into bios - F2 and F12), but the words ubuntu in the bios are still there.
> Please help to solve the problem.
> Additional notes: I replaced the acer laptop HDD with an SSD, but the ubuntu writing in the bios is still there.
> Please guide. Thank you
> Greetings
> Pada tanggal Sen, 20 Jun 2022 01.42, Alex Johns <chris352011 at gmail.com>
> menulis:
>> On 20/06/22 05:20, Donny Turang wrote:
>> hi, can anyone help?
>> I have many times installed xubuntu 20.04 LTS on acer aspire 4750 laptop.
>> What happens is that it boots very slowly. Likewise for shutdown.
>> In addition, the wifi on the laptop cannot be connected.
>> This is my brief explanation. Hopefully someone can help.
>> Thank you
>> have you thought of trying 22.04?
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El LaGrew
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