[xubuntu-users] Is clipman working for you?

Jeffery Small jeff at cjsa.com
Thu Dec 29 16:53:10 UTC 2022

I recently upgraded from Xubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 and discovered that the
clipman plugin was seriously broken.  After the upgrade it will no longer
paste from the history list.  You can select items from the list but it
will only paste the current (last) selection. In addition, it is adding
mouse selections, even though I've told it not to.  The result is that
clipman does nothing more than a normal B2 paste of the current selection.

I have files a report regarding this at:


and it has been confirmed by a couple of other people.  If it is working
or broken for others also on 22.04, it would be great if you could add
a report at the above link to help identify what might be causing this

Note that I installed the alternative diodon from the repository and it
works, but it has its own unique problem that clipman did not, so I'd like
to get clipman working again.


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