[xubuntu-users] 22.04 menu + a pysolfc question

Phil phillor9 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 05:09:48 UTC 2022

I've upgraded from 21.10 to 22.04 and now 1 sub menu is missing from the 
application menu. The missing sub menu appears in "menu editor" and 
"main menu" and the application that appear in the missing sub menu are 
still installed. How might I reinstate the missing sub menu so that it 
appears in the application menu?

A second question. My wife is up in arms because Pysolfc no longer 
works. The problem is that the module "formatter" is missing and I see 
that it has been removed from Python3.10. I also see that a new beta 
version of pysolfc is available from git hub. I have not been able to 
find a package that doesn't use "formatter". Any suggestions on how I 
might restore marital harmony?


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