[xubuntu-users] Default web-browser changed?

Gérald Jean gerald.jean at videotron.ca
Wed Sep 8 15:25:11 UTC 2021


I am using Xubuntu 20.04 LTS.  I have "Brave Web Browser" as the default 
browser, I have this setup for about two years, consequently when in 
Thunderbird, clicking an underlined link either opens up Brave to the 
required page or opens a new tab in Brave, with the required page, if 
Brave was already open.  The way it should be!

A couple days ago I opened and Xfce session rather than a Xubuntu 
session.  Since then, even a Xunbuntu session, when I click a link in 
Thunderbird it opens up the required page in Firefox?  If I go to 
"System Settings" --> "Details" --> "Default Applications", under Web 
Browser I have: "Brave Web Browser"; if I go to the Parameters tab of 
Brave, it says: "Brave is your default web browser", nevertheless when I 
click a link in Thunderbird it opens up Firefox.  When in Firefox if I 
go to the Parameters tab it says: "Firexfox is your default web 
browser", hence it appears I have two default web browsers, any idea of 
what I should change and where, how do I tell the system that I don't 
want Firefox as my default browser ?

Thank you,


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