[xubuntu-users] Keep display on permanently

Wiebe van der Worp w at vanderworp.org
Sun Jan 3 20:57:28 UTC 2021

On 03-01-2021 15:07, David Wright wrote:

> *Update* - on an earlier attempt to keep the screen on, I'd set the 
> screensaver/system idle time to 180 minutes.  Even though the 
> screensaver was subsequently disabled, it seems this 3 hour time was 
> still having some affect, as the screen was indeed going black after 
> three hours.  I've now set that timer to 999 minutes (over 16 hours) 
> which should suffice for most days.  Screensaver then disabled again.
> I've never had this problem before.  Just set everything related to 
> display to off or never and it's been fine.  If anyone has any more 
> thoughts, I'll be happy to hear them as I feel the 999 minutes is an 
> inelegant fudge/workaround.

Does this contain some clues?


In particular:

sudo apt remove xfce4-screensaver
Next, disable start on login of xfce4-screensaver: In Xubuntu it is:
Whisker > Settings > Session and Startup > [] Screensaver (launch 
screensaver and locker program)
Then, Whisker > Settings > Power Manager > Tab Display > Display power 
management > ON (Yes, not OFF!) > move sliders to “Never”.
xfce4-screensaver-command --exit

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