[xubuntu-users] Evolution - email address colours

Michael Höhne mih-hoehne at web.de
Wed Dec 22 19:12:52 UTC 2021

Hello James,

James Freer <jessejazza3.uk at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have been using Evolution as an email client for sometime now. One
> thing that irritates me is the email address being in green/hi-viz
> colour. It's a bit sharp on the eyes. I would like to change it to
> black or blue... or a less sharp colour.

I use evolution on my office computer with Xubuntu. 

Where do you see the green colour? Do you mean the "preview pane"?


On my Computer the from/to-adresses are shown underlined in _blue_
colour. They behave like "mailto:-links", so I expect them to be blue

On my home laptop I use Claws-Mail and this program shows the
mailadresses also in "link-"blue.

Maybe you changed the colours for links from blue to green?


   / / / / /__/      Michael Höhne /
  /   / / /  /  mih-hoehne at web.de /

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