[xubuntu-users] "Resolved" Re: Boot stops after update

linux.rog at gmail.com linux.rog at gmail.com
Sat Nov 21 23:25:37 UTC 2020

I did a reinstall. Butt could not depend on the installer to "recognize" the past. /home and other days we on separate partitions. I select something else and do CHANGES to mount as proper dev and file system type.

-- Roger Broseus
Pls excuse auto-correction induzed tiepos.

-----Original Message-----
From: Juan De Mola <juandemola at claro.net.do>
To: xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Sent: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: [xubuntu-users] Boot stops after update

Try to reinstall from install media. Hopefully it will reconigze the 
previous setup and fix the bootup.

El 18/11/20 a las 6:54 p. m., Roger Broseus escribió:
> After updating Xubuntu 20.04, booting stops after the disk check: I see,
>   recovering journal
>   clean - with counts for files and block
> Then, nothing. Just a blank screen and blinking cursor.
> Things I've tried for a fix from a boot prompt:
> apt update
> art dist-upgrade
> running fsck from a thumb drive. No errors reported for root ( / ) nor 
> /boot.
> I looked for the application system-integrity-check but it is not 
> available for 20.04.
> I can run commands from the command line and the root partition and 
> nvme drive it's on appear to be fine. This is a dual boot device and 
> Windows boots fine from the same ssd.
> Since this happened on re-boot immediately after update, I suspect 
> something went wrong there.
> Fix, short of a re-install?
> -- 
> Roger
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