[xubuntu-users] Trouble receiving e-mail from this group

Phil Staub phil at staub.us
Wed Jun 10 12:33:09 UTC 2020

On 6/10/20 7:04 AM, Chris Green wrote:
 > On Tue, Jun 09, 2020 at 09:01:01PM -0400, Phil Staub wrote:
 >> To put some closure on this discussion:
 >> The problems turns out to be a noob issue that I have learned many 
 >> but apparently not well enough to remember it. If you're missing some
 >> expected mail, look in your mailer's spam folder.
 > This happens so often that I wonder why people have a 'spam'
 > destination.  I have an "it's definitely for me" folder, folders to
 > which mailing list mail gets routed (by mailing list name) and a
 > "default" folder where everything else gets sent.  My mail client goes
 > to them in order so I just get to see the "default" stuff (where junk
 > will end up) later and/or when I have time.  Given that all I have to
 > do to throw away the junk is hit 'd' I can deal with quite a lot of
 > junk in a few seconds.

Yeah, I should do that.


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