[xubuntu-users] wifi

Chris Green cl at isbd.net
Sat Dec 19 09:23:38 UTC 2020

On Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 10:00:50AM +0100, Coos de Poel wrote:
>    I have the problem that sometimes the laptop cannot find the
>    wifi-connection, during using the laptop. The only way to get wifi
>    back, is to start up Windows and then restart Xubuntu 20.04. Also a
>    wifi Usb-stick will help sometimes.
Laptops often have a switch for their WiFi which (also very often)
isn't mentioned in the documentation (what documentation?).

I'd guess that the WiFi is simply being switched off somehow and that,
maybe, Windows can turn the WiFi on by software.

So, see if you can find the (physical) switch and turn the WiFi on. In
my (limited) experience the switch is often down on the front edge of
the laptop case, LHS usually.

If you can't find a physical switch then investigate whether there is
a software 'WiFi on/off' and maybe there's a Linux implementation of it.

Chris Green

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