[xubuntu-users] Interested newcomer

Keith Bainbridge keithrbau at gmail.com
Sun Sep 15 23:18:06 UTC 2019

Good morning Andrew

Sorry, I missed this earlier.

Your software will generally work similar to what you are used to 
already. There are often user groups like this one for the major 
software apps.

The software is listed 'under' the menu button.

If you mean help with xubuntu, ask away here.  It helps if you are more 
specific, and explain what you are wanting to achieve and what you have 
tried.   There are many apps included that will help you do regular 

Keith Bainbridge

keithrbaugroups at gmail.com

+61 (0)447 667 468
On 14/8/19 2:20 am, Andrew Barley wrote:
> Recently I have been learning about linux distributions and I have 
> decided to start with Xubuntu.  I have created my own usb thumb drive, 
> but I have questions about how to use the software better.  Is there 
> anyone in the Xubuntu group who can answer some questions? What is the 
> best way to get my questions answered?  What website provides people who 
> will answer my questions?
> Andrew

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