[xubuntu-users] dictionary and umlauts (vowel mutation)
hans Schneidhofer
mei-mail at posteo.de
Thu Oct 24 03:04:16 UTC 2019
hi list,
have downloaded a dictionary es-de from ding but have now the problem,
that all the vowel mutation (umlauts) are from windows
like thats here :
abolición {f} :: Abschaffung {f}
abominable {adj} :: scheußlich; widerlich
Looking wit the file-command I get a seemingly correct
"es-de: UTF-8 Unicode text" - thats the output, if I look with the
command "file ..."
So a recode seems to be impossible.
Has anyone of you an idea, how I can get a correct output with the
umlauts (vowel mutation) especially, what I have to do here ?
For shure, I can do a correction by hand, but it is a really long list
(here 18.000 words)
I would like to thank you very much in advance if someone could help me
or have a tip on how to convert this file.
bye hans
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