[xubuntu-users] Xubuntu 19.10 Beta

patrice Arnal (ddns) patrice at patricearnal.ddns.net
Wed Oct 16 10:49:17 UTC 2019

This occurs when the window manager crashes and restart. This maybe 
caused by a video driver problem.

Le 11/10/2019 à 21:09, Don a écrit :
> Just some feedback about the beta release.  All seems to be working 
> fine.  I have installed the system on my desktop on hardware.  The 
> only bug I have noted is that on occasion, I am suddenly kicked out of 
> what I am doing and sent to the lockup sign-in again.
> So far this has happened while playing aislerioti solitaire and also 
> while using Firefox.  The screen goes black and then it comes back in 
> a short few seconds and gives me the sign back in screen.
> Just giving some feedback for anyone interested in following up.  Am 
> elderly so I don't understand the bug reporting system.  the bug 
> happens a couple of times per day, but not more frequently than that.
> Don
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