[xubuntu-users] UEFI boot (Xubuntu 18.04) on HP-Laptop-15-bw005 blocked by HP diagnostics

Yvo Brasseur yvo.brasseur at rendaosolutions.com
Fri May 18 12:50:07 UTC 2018

Hi to all,

Just in case this might help somebody else ...

I have been using this laptop for months now without any issues (except some
inital work getting the wifi to work) with Xubuntu 17.10 en since 1 week
with Xubuntu 18.04.

The day befor yesterday my boot was blocked by HP diagnostics, saying that
no valid
OS was found.   (I always work with single boot Xubuntu systems).

It turned out (after extensive search via duckduckgo) that my ESP (EFI disk)
on /dev/sda1 was corrupt.

*I could solve this using those two links:*

(I could boot again but had a problem with lightdm and .(ICE)Authority
  I could login via ssh, but not via the normal login screen)

*Maybe you might have to play with efibootmgr also. *
here's what I did:
*efibootmgr -d /dev/sda -c -l  \\EFI\\ubuntu\\grubx64.efi  -L ubuntu*
(the letter after -c is a small L))
I got a double entry with this and removed it with:
*efibootmgr -d /dev/sda -c  -b 1 -B*

*Result (in Dutch..):*

*yvo at yvo-HP-Laptop-15-bw005:~/Bureaublad$ efibootmgrBootCurrent:
0001Timeout: 0 secondsBootOrder: 0001,3001,2001,2002,2004Boot0001* ubuntu
                                   #(note: this relative to /EFI/boot/ in
/dev/sda1)Boot2001* EFI USB DeviceBoot2002* EFI DVD/CDROMBoot3000* Internal
Hard Disk or Solid State DiskBoot3001* Internal Hard Disk or Solid State

I attach the structure in /dev/sda2/boot.  During boot /dev/sda1 is mounted
under /boot/efi..)

Hope you never encounter this issue.
As for me,  I reject this intrusion by HP diagnostics and will stop bying
HP PC's.
I believe my next hardware will be using libreboot ;-)


2018-05-18 14:00 GMT+02:00 <xubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com>:

> Send xubuntu-users mailing list submissions to
>         xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>         https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-users
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>         xubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>         xubuntu-users-owner at lists.ubuntu.com
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of xubuntu-users digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1.  Application testing for the new development cycle (flocculant)
>    2. Re:  xubuntu-users Digest, Vol 136, Issue 10 (Yvo Brasseur)
>    3. Re:  xubuntu-users Digest, Vol 136, Issue 10 (Adam Smith)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 21:45:49 +0100
> From: flocculant <flocculant at gmx.co.uk>
> To: Xubuntu Development Discussion <xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>,
>         Xubuntu Support and User Discussions <xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.
> com>
> Subject: [xubuntu-users] Application testing for the new development
>         cycle
> Message-ID: <9c8b636d-d009-ee5d-2a3a-29b3c9d73aa7 at gmx.co.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> During this new 6 month cycle we are hoping to ramp up testing of
> applications - separate from testing ISO's.
> So if you want to get involved with something that you can pick up, put
> down and which isn't too onerous this could be for you.
> Before we can set up testing of applications ( it's tracked on a Ubuntu
> QA tracker and they call it package testing) we need to make sure the
> tests we do have are up to date.
> You will need a few things:
>  1. an up to date iso to boot - you can run the test from a USB, a
>     virtual machine
>  2. something to write on
>  3. a web browser
>  4. an e-mail client
>  5. patience - we've not checked them for at a year
> You can grab the iso from
> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current - this url is
> always the latest.
> Open your browser at
> http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/377/
> builds/146768/testcases
> You'll see a list of applications and packages there.
>  1. Pick something you fancy checking - Reply All to this mail telling
>     other people what you intend to test (we'd not want everyone to be
>     checking the same testcase)
>  2. Open your chosen testcase, then click the Detailed information on
>     the testcase button and make a note of the Testcase ID
>  3. Follow the testcase _exactly_ as it tells you
>  4. Make notes where something isn't working as the testcase expects -
>     this is a bug, a testcase bug. If necessary continue to the next
>     step as best you can ignoring the instruction if the application no
>     longer works as written
>  5. When you have completed checking your testcase and assuming that you
>     found no errors with it - let us know on the mailing list.
> That's a lot of words which basically mean - read the testcase, follow
> it and note down where something is different.
> If you did find an issue with the testcase - report it to Launchpad.
> This could be as simple as the testcase calls for a button called Next
> but it's now called Continue, it could even be that the testcase covers
> something the application does but isn't tested.
>  1. Open your browser at
>     https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+filebug
>  2. In the Summary box - please report it with something like this
>     syntax Testcase 1559 Catfish Fails To Open From Whiskermenu, 1559
>     being the ID you previously noted
>  3. Click Next - then regardless of any previous bugs it prompts you
>     with - Click No, I need to report a new bug
>  4. Using the notes you made while checking the testcase fill in your
>     further information
>  5. You can now if you wish tell us the bug number - but it's not
>     necessary as I am subscribed to Testcase Bugs
> If you have needed to report a bug - the Testcase ID is important -
> there are 1700 different ID numbers - and the majority refer to live
> testcases.
> If the list of applications on the package tracker doesn't include
> something you use that you think should be tested - and is something
> that we have _by default_ - you can report this to the same url above -
> just say Testcase need for 'you fave application we don't test'
> If I need further information I will comment on your bug report so
> please keep an eye out for that.
> If you found that easy to do - how about doing another one ;)
> Cheers
> Kev
> for the Xubuntu Developers and QA Teams
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 23:35:56 +0200
> From: Yvo Brasseur <yvo.brasseur at rendaosolutions.com>
> To: xubuntu-users <xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Subject: Re: [xubuntu-users] xubuntu-users Digest, Vol 136, Issue 10
> Message-ID:
>         <CAHXPqfea7JaAP0wLP-=P5pSXG_ckzJm8TLBJKH4t=BKEbDK-nQ at mail.
> gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> 2018-05-17 14:00 GMT+02:00 <xubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com>:
> > Send xubuntu-users mailing list submissions to
> >         xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> >
> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> >         https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-users
> > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> >         xubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com
> >
> > You can reach the person managing the list at
> >         xubuntu-users-owner at lists.ubuntu.com
> >
> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> > than "Re: Contents of xubuntu-users digest..."
> >
> >
> > Today's Topics:
> >
> >    1. Re:  Xubuntu on the Raspberry Pi 2/3/3B+ (Adam Smith)
> >
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Message: 1
> > Date: Wed, 16 May 2018 17:06:32 +0100
> > From: Adam Smith <blondesaluki at gmail.com>
> > To: xubuntu-users <xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> > Subject: Re: [xubuntu-users] Xubuntu on the Raspberry Pi 2/3/3B+
> > Message-ID:
> >         <CALV1QLy35-cGvDw5ESO8K-ymB5VaKwgQ_OnyfFD57zSjVbr8mw@
> > mail.gmail.com>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> >
> > >What I'd be extremely interested in, is a xubuntu rpi3 aarch64 disk
> > >image that "just works", like the fedora 28 aarch64 minimal one:
> >
> > Eric,
> >
> > Well the idea is to have something that "just works".  Whether a disk
> > image is the best way to deliver an os is open for some debate.  There
> > are pros and cons to an installer vs disk image.
> >
> > What we're seeing on the list at the moment is early adoption issues.
> > It's my fault, I should of told Yvo that they need the bootcode.bin
> > file on the usb drive too.  I hadn't really expected people to be
> > copying the bootcode.bin file to SD cards to enable usb booting.
> > Maybe I over-estimated how many people are using and know how to do
> > usb booting on the Pi.  But that is the idea of asking people to test
> > the installer, to throw up these issues.
> >
> > Note opensuse have an iso/usb installer too.  It makes sense as
> > efi/grub2 is adopted more on the Pi and usb is enabled by default on
> > the new Pi 3B+.
> >
> > It is possible to create a disk image with the live-build package.
> > There are some instructions on the Ubuntu raspberry pi wiki page that
> > can be adapted.  Debian have a really good guide to live-build if you
> > want to have a go yourself.
> >
> > It's also possible to create an OEM disk image with my installer.  You
> > just need to add the correct parameter to the cmdline.txt file.
> > Something that could be explored if people really can't get on with
> > the installer as it is at the moment.
> >
> > The installer is not official and I don't anticipate high numbers of
> > people using it unless it gets picked up by omgubuntu or something
> > like that.  It's just my own experiment on how the Pi could be
> > incorporated into standard Ubuntu installers (ubiquity and the debian
> > installer).  I don't think many people are aware that you can run
> > Ubuntu arm64 on the Pi and this is another reason for the installer.
> > I'd much prefer people to use official media.  If you know your way
> > around arm64 then please add to the Ubuntu wiki instructions as it is
> > just my ramblings at the moment.
> >
> > Adam
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------
> >
> > Subject: Digest Footer
> >
> > --
> > xubuntu-users mailing list
> > xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> > Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/
> > mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-users
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------
> >
> > End of xubuntu-users Digest, Vol 136, Issue 10
> > **********************************************
> >
> Hi Adam (and audience)..
> You're my hero,  I have added bootcode.bin to the USb stick,
> and kept only bootcode.bin on the 'boot' sd, and this time it worked like a
> charm !
> I chose the 'standard' installation (wipe the bootdisk), had all updates
> and non open source stuff
> loaded while installing and all went well.
> Afterwards a did a apt-get update/upgrade and an install of gedit an
> synaptic without any issues.
> I am actually writing this mail on the Raspberry PI ;-)
> As you anticipated it did not request to remove the USB stick, but it
> booted without problems with
> the USB stick still plugged in.  I only removed it after login.
> I will use this boot sd card (16 GB) on a RPI zero and see if it can boot
> as well.
> Thanks again, and I'll keep you posted.
> Brgds,
> Yvo 'happy Xubuntu fan' Brasseur.
> I
> --
> *IT beheer met raad en daad ...*
> Gasthuisstraat 25,
> 3200 Aarschot
> Gsm: +32/(0)475/53.92.86
> Tel.:   +32/(0)16/57.05.40
> Skype ID: yvo.brasseur
> (Pls send SMS or mail before using Skype to have it activated.)
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 18 May 2018 09:01:48 +0100
> From: Adam Smith <blondesaluki at gmail.com>
> To: Xubuntu Support and User Discussions
>         <xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Subject: Re: [xubuntu-users] xubuntu-users Digest, Vol 136, Issue 10
> Message-ID:
>         <CALV1QLzPdsb=hC9kxSPGnDXe=hJMLwpBNtbEaqVTL=UA2y1x7w@
> mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> >
> > Hi Adam (and audience)..
> >
> > You're my hero,  I have added bootcode.bin to the USb stick,
> > and kept only bootcode.bin on the 'boot' sd, and this time it worked
> like a
> > charm !
> >
> > I chose the 'standard' installation (wipe the bootdisk), had all updates
> > and non open source stuff
> > loaded while installing and all went well.
> > Afterwards a did a apt-get update/upgrade and an install of gedit an
> > synaptic without any issues.
> > I am actually writing this mail on the Raspberry PI ;-)
> >
> > As you anticipated it did not request to remove the USB stick, but it
> > booted without problems with
> > the USB stick still plugged in.  I only removed it after login.
> >
> > I will use this boot sd card (16 GB) on a RPI zero and see if it can boot
> > as well.
> >
> > Thanks again, and I'll keep you posted.
> >
> > Brgds,
> >
> > Yvo 'happy Xubuntu fan' Brasseur.
> >
> Excellent!
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
> --
> xubuntu-users mailing list
> xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/
> mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-users
> ------------------------------
> End of xubuntu-users Digest, Vol 136, Issue 11
> **********************************************


*IT beheer met raad en daad ...*

Gasthuisstraat 25,
3200 Aarschot

Gsm: +32/(0)475/53.92.86
Tel.:   +32/(0)16/57.05.40
Skype ID: yvo.brasseur
(Pls send SMS or mail before using Skype to have it activated.)
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├── abi-4.14.0-041400-generic
├── abi-4.15.0-20-generic
├── config-4.14.0-041400-generic
├── config-4.15.0-20-generic
├── efi
│   └── EFI
│       ├── BOOT
│       │   ├── BOOTX64.EFI
│       │   └── fbx64.efi
│       └── ubuntu
│           ├── BOOTX64.CSV
│           ├── BOOTx64.EFI
│           ├── grub.cfg
│           ├── grubx64.efi
│           ├── mmx64.efi
│           └── shimx64.efi
├── grub
│   ├── fonts
│   │   └── unicode.pf2
│   ├── grub.cfg
│   ├── grubenv
│   ├── grubx64.efi
│   ├── locale
│   │   ├── en_AU.mo
│   │   ├── en_CA.mo
│   │   ├── en_GB.mo
│   │   ├── en at quot.mo
│   │   └── nl.mo
│   ├── unicode.pf2
│   └── x86_64-efi
│       ├── acpi.mod
│       ├── adler32.mod
│       ├── affs.mod
│       ├── afs.mod
│       ├── ahci.mod
│       ├── all_video.mod
│       ├── aout.mod
│       ├── appleldr.mod
│       ├── archelp.mod
│       ├── ata.mod
│       ├── at_keyboard.mod
│       ├── backtrace.mod
│       ├── bfs.mod
│       ├── bitmap.mod
│       ├── bitmap_scale.mod
│       ├── blocklist.mod
│       ├── boot.mod
│       ├── bsd.mod
│       ├── bswap_test.mod
│       ├── btrfs.mod
│       ├── bufio.mod
│       ├── cat.mod
│       ├── cbfs.mod
│       ├── cbls.mod
│       ├── cbmemc.mod
│       ├── cbtable.mod
│       ├── cbtime.mod
│       ├── chain.mod
│       ├── cmdline_cat_test.mod
│       ├── cmp.mod
│       ├── cmp_test.mod
│       ├── command.lst
│       ├── configfile.mod
│       ├── core.efi
│       ├── cpio_be.mod
│       ├── cpio.mod
│       ├── cpuid.mod
│       ├── crc64.mod
│       ├── cryptodisk.mod
│       ├── crypto.lst
│       ├── crypto.mod
│       ├── cs5536.mod
│       ├── ctz_test.mod
│       ├── datehook.mod
│       ├── date.mod
│       ├── datetime.mod
│       ├── diskfilter.mod
│       ├── disk.mod
│       ├── div.mod
│       ├── div_test.mod
│       ├── dm_nv.mod
│       ├── echo.mod
│       ├── efifwsetup.mod
│       ├── efi_gop.mod
│       ├── efinet.mod
│       ├── efi_uga.mod
│       ├── ehci.mod
│       ├── elf.mod
│       ├── eval.mod
│       ├── exfat.mod
│       ├── exfctest.mod
│       ├── ext2.mod
│       ├── extcmd.mod
│       ├── fat.mod
│       ├── file.mod
│       ├── fixvideo.mod
│       ├── font.mod
│       ├── fshelp.mod
│       ├── fs.lst
│       ├── functional_test.mod
│       ├── gcry_arcfour.mod
│       ├── gcry_blowfish.mod
│       ├── gcry_camellia.mod
│       ├── gcry_cast5.mod
│       ├── gcry_crc.mod
│       ├── gcry_des.mod
│       ├── gcry_dsa.mod
│       ├── gcry_idea.mod
│       ├── gcry_md4.mod
│       ├── gcry_md5.mod
│       ├── gcry_rfc2268.mod
│       ├── gcry_rijndael.mod
│       ├── gcry_rmd160.mod
│       ├── gcry_rsa.mod
│       ├── gcry_seed.mod
│       ├── gcry_serpent.mod
│       ├── gcry_sha1.mod
│       ├── gcry_sha256.mod
│       ├── gcry_sha512.mod
│       ├── gcry_tiger.mod
│       ├── gcry_twofish.mod
│       ├── gcry_whirlpool.mod
│       ├── geli.mod
│       ├── gettext.mod
│       ├── gfxmenu.mod
│       ├── gfxterm_background.mod
│       ├── gfxterm_menu.mod
│       ├── gfxterm.mod
│       ├── gptsync.mod
│       ├── grub.efi
│       ├── gzio.mod
│       ├── halt.mod
│       ├── hashsum.mod
│       ├── hdparm.mod
│       ├── hello.mod
│       ├── help.mod
│       ├── hexdump.mod
│       ├── hfs.mod
│       ├── hfspluscomp.mod
│       ├── hfsplus.mod
│       ├── http.mod
│       ├── iorw.mod
│       ├── iso9660.mod
│       ├── jfs.mod
│       ├── jpeg.mod
│       ├── keylayouts.mod
│       ├── keystatus.mod
│       ├── ldm.mod
│       ├── legacycfg.mod
│       ├── legacy_password_test.mod
│       ├── linux16.mod
│       ├── linuxefi.mod
│       ├── linux.mod
│       ├── loadbios.mod
│       ├── load.cfg
│       ├── loadenv.mod
│       ├── loopback.mod
│       ├── lsacpi.mod
│       ├── lsefimmap.mod
│       ├── lsefi.mod
│       ├── lsefisystab.mod
│       ├── lsmmap.mod
│       ├── ls.mod
│       ├── lspci.mod
│       ├── lssal.mod
│       ├── luks.mod
│       ├── lvm.mod
│       ├── lzopio.mod
│       ├── macbless.mod
│       ├── macho.mod
│       ├── mdraid09_be.mod
│       ├── mdraid09.mod
│       ├── mdraid1x.mod
│       ├── memdisk.mod
│       ├── memrw.mod
│       ├── minicmd.mod
│       ├── minix2_be.mod
│       ├── minix2.mod
│       ├── minix3_be.mod
│       ├── minix3.mod
│       ├── minix_be.mod
│       ├── minix.mod
│       ├── mmap.mod
│       ├── moddep.lst
│       ├── modinfo.sh
│       ├── morse.mod
│       ├── mpi.mod
│       ├── msdospart.mod
│       ├── mul_test.mod
│       ├── multiboot2.mod
│       ├── multiboot.mod
│       ├── nativedisk.mod
│       ├── net.mod
│       ├── newc.mod
│       ├── nilfs2.mod
│       ├── normal.mod
│       ├── ntfscomp.mod
│       ├── ntfs.mod
│       ├── odc.mod
│       ├── offsetio.mod
│       ├── ohci.mod
│       ├── part_acorn.mod
│       ├── part_amiga.mod
│       ├── part_apple.mod
│       ├── part_bsd.mod
│       ├── part_dfly.mod
│       ├── part_dvh.mod
│       ├── part_gpt.mod
│       ├── partmap.lst
│       ├── part_msdos.mod
│       ├── part_plan.mod
│       ├── part_sun.mod
│       ├── part_sunpc.mod
│       ├── parttool.lst
│       ├── parttool.mod
│       ├── password.mod
│       ├── password_pbkdf2.mod
│       ├── pata.mod
│       ├── pbkdf2.mod
│       ├── pbkdf2_test.mod
│       ├── pcidump.mod
│       ├── play.mod
│       ├── png.mod
│       ├── priority_queue.mod
│       ├── probe.mod
│       ├── procfs.mod
│       ├── progress.mod
│       ├── raid5rec.mod
│       ├── raid6rec.mod
│       ├── random.mod
│       ├── read.mod
│       ├── reboot.mod
│       ├── regexp.mod
│       ├── reiserfs.mod
│       ├── relocator.mod
│       ├── romfs.mod
│       ├── scsi.mod
│       ├── search_fs_file.mod
│       ├── search_fs_uuid.mod
│       ├── search_label.mod
│       ├── search.mod
│       ├── serial.mod
│       ├── setjmp.mod
│       ├── setjmp_test.mod
│       ├── setpci.mod
│       ├── sfs.mod
│       ├── shift_test.mod
│       ├── signature_test.mod
│       ├── sleep.mod
│       ├── sleep_test.mod
│       ├── spkmodem.mod
│       ├── squash4.mod
│       ├── syslinuxcfg.mod
│       ├── tar.mod
│       ├── terminal.lst
│       ├── terminal.mod
│       ├── terminfo.mod
│       ├── test_blockarg.mod
│       ├── testload.mod
│       ├── test.mod
│       ├── testspeed.mod
│       ├── tftp.mod
│       ├── tga.mod
│       ├── time.mod
│       ├── trig.mod
│       ├── tr.mod
│       ├── true.mod
│       ├── udf.mod
│       ├── ufs1_be.mod
│       ├── ufs1.mod
│       ├── ufs2.mod
│       ├── uhci.mod
│       ├── usb_keyboard.mod
│       ├── usb.mod
│       ├── usbms.mod
│       ├── usbserial_common.mod
│       ├── usbserial_ftdi.mod
│       ├── usbserial_pl2303.mod
│       ├── usbserial_usbdebug.mod
│       ├── usbtest.mod
│       ├── verify.mod
│       ├── video_bochs.mod
│       ├── video_cirrus.mod
│       ├── video_colors.mod
│       ├── video_fb.mod
│       ├── videoinfo.mod
│       ├── video.lst
│       ├── video.mod
│       ├── videotest_checksum.mod
│       ├── videotest.mod
│       ├── xfs.mod
│       ├── xnu.mod
│       ├── xnu_uuid.mod
│       ├── xnu_uuid_test.mod
│       ├── xzio.mod
│       ├── zfscrypt.mod
│       ├── zfsinfo.mod
│       └── zfs.mod
├── initrd.img-4.14.0-041400-generic
├── initrd.img-4.15.0-20-generic
├── memtest86+.bin
├── memtest86+.elf
├── memtest86+_multiboot.bin
├── retpoline-4.15.0-20-generic
├── System.map-4.14.0-041400-generic
├── System.map-4.15.0-20-generic
├── vmlinuz-4.14.0-041400-generic
└── vmlinuz-4.15.0-20-generic

8 directories, 300 files

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