[xubuntu-users] Whisker menu in 18.04

Len Philpot lphilpot01 at gmail.com
Wed May 23 02:55:51 UTC 2018

MinorWhisker cosmetic thing (bug?) but I'm curious...

OK, in 1.5.1 on 16.04, if I drag the top border downward and make the 
menu vertically too short to display all categories simultaneously, a 
scroll bar appears (as expected) to allow them to scroll. The Favorites 
buttonshortens and the scroll bar is displayed to the right of all the 
category names. Nothing is over-paintednor truncated. It all fits.

But, in 2.1.5 on 18.04, doing the samepops up a scroll bar on top of the 
Favorites button (right-hand side) and also covers some of the longer 
category names.Also, the scroll bar is not styled like the rest of the UI.

Is it a bug, or was 1.5.1 built on GTK2 vs. GTK3 now, or what? Is there 
a way to make the categories adjustable in width? Or do I need to 
dotweak (unknownto me) in terms of GTK3 theming?


*Len Philpot* lphilpot01 at gmail.com <mailto:lphilpot01 at gmail.com>
/Sent from Thunderbird on Xubuntu Linux/
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