[xubuntu-users] xubuntu-users Digest, Vol 136, Issue 10

Yvo Brasseur yvo.brasseur at rendaosolutions.com
Thu May 17 21:35:56 UTC 2018

2018-05-17 14:00 GMT+02:00 <xubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com>:

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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re:  Xubuntu on the Raspberry Pi 2/3/3B+ (Adam Smith)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 16 May 2018 17:06:32 +0100
> From: Adam Smith <blondesaluki at gmail.com>
> To: xubuntu-users <xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Subject: Re: [xubuntu-users] Xubuntu on the Raspberry Pi 2/3/3B+
> Message-ID:
>         <CALV1QLy35-cGvDw5ESO8K-ymB5VaKwgQ_OnyfFD57zSjVbr8mw@
> mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> >What I'd be extremely interested in, is a xubuntu rpi3 aarch64 disk
> >image that "just works", like the fedora 28 aarch64 minimal one:
> Eric,
> Well the idea is to have something that "just works".  Whether a disk
> image is the best way to deliver an os is open for some debate.  There
> are pros and cons to an installer vs disk image.
> What we're seeing on the list at the moment is early adoption issues.
> It's my fault, I should of told Yvo that they need the bootcode.bin
> file on the usb drive too.  I hadn't really expected people to be
> copying the bootcode.bin file to SD cards to enable usb booting.
> Maybe I over-estimated how many people are using and know how to do
> usb booting on the Pi.  But that is the idea of asking people to test
> the installer, to throw up these issues.
> Note opensuse have an iso/usb installer too.  It makes sense as
> efi/grub2 is adopted more on the Pi and usb is enabled by default on
> the new Pi 3B+.
> It is possible to create a disk image with the live-build package.
> There are some instructions on the Ubuntu raspberry pi wiki page that
> can be adapted.  Debian have a really good guide to live-build if you
> want to have a go yourself.
> It's also possible to create an OEM disk image with my installer.  You
> just need to add the correct parameter to the cmdline.txt file.
> Something that could be explored if people really can't get on with
> the installer as it is at the moment.
> The installer is not official and I don't anticipate high numbers of
> people using it unless it gets picked up by omgubuntu or something
> like that.  It's just my own experiment on how the Pi could be
> incorporated into standard Ubuntu installers (ubiquity and the debian
> installer).  I don't think many people are aware that you can run
> Ubuntu arm64 on the Pi and this is another reason for the installer.
> I'd much prefer people to use official media.  If you know your way
> around arm64 then please add to the Ubuntu wiki instructions as it is
> just my ramblings at the moment.
> Adam
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
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> ------------------------------
> End of xubuntu-users Digest, Vol 136, Issue 10
> **********************************************

Hi Adam (and audience)..

You're my hero,  I have added bootcode.bin to the USb stick,
and kept only bootcode.bin on the 'boot' sd, and this time it worked like a
charm !

I chose the 'standard' installation (wipe the bootdisk), had all updates
and non open source stuff
loaded while installing and all went well.
Afterwards a did a apt-get update/upgrade and an install of gedit an
synaptic without any issues.
I am actually writing this mail on the Raspberry PI ;-)

As you anticipated it did not request to remove the USB stick, but it
booted without problems with
the USB stick still plugged in.  I only removed it after login.

I will use this boot sd card (16 GB) on a RPI zero and see if it can boot
as well.

Thanks again, and I'll keep you posted.


Yvo 'happy Xubuntu fan' Brasseur.



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