[xubuntu-users] 18.04.1 Point Release Testing

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at zoho.com
Sat Aug 4 17:05:38 UTC 2018

On Sat, 2018-08-04 at 12:36 -0400, Art wrote:
> How do I learn about such changes BEFORE they happen??


by reading some kind of changelog.

If I google: xubuntu changelog 18.04

The first hit is: https://wiki.xubuntu.org/releases/18.04/release-notes

When the link was opened I searched the site for: enc

It does find the word 'encryption', but there's no hint regarding the

The site includes a link to "The main Ubuntu release note": 

When the link was opened I also searched this site for: enc

Success under "Other base system changes since 16.04 LTS":

"The installer no longer offers the encrypted home option using
ecryptfs-utils. It is recommended to use full-disk encryption instead
for this release. (1756840)"


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