[xubuntu-users] No scrollbar steppers in xfce4-terninal

Teresa e Junior teresaejunior at gmail.com
Fri Nov 10 19:36:23 UTC 2017

Em 10/11/2017 16:17, Stuart McGraw escreveu:
> I see what you mean about the slow steppers.  In part that seems
> to be due to it scrolling only about 1/2 a line at a time.  I don't
> suppose there is a setting somewhere that controls the number of
> pixels that each stepper click scrolls by?  Or more directly, the
> repeat time interval when then the mouse button is held down?

I haven't found if there are such settings, but I have found that, as 
genius as it may seem, you can get a decent scrolling speed by 
**right-clicking** on the steppers:

* GtkScrolledWindow
  - Keep scrollbars below treeview headers
  - Switch the roles of secondary and middle click on scrollbar steppers
    - Primary click starts low-speed autoscrolling
    - Secondary click start high-speed autoscrolling
    - Middle click scrolls to the end
  - Tweak button bindings on scrollbars (and scales)
    - Primary click warps to the location
    - Primary click with Shift jumps by pages
    - Secondary click starts variable-speed autoscrolling

Since left-clicking is currently unusable (and I don't believe this is 
configurable), I have opened a bug report against libgtk-3-0: 

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