[xubuntu-users] lenovo desktop

Victor Forberger vforberger at fastmail.fm
Wed Jan 25 15:42:38 UTC 2017

On 01/24/2017 07:59 PM, JMZ wrote:
> Hi VIctor,
> Try combining sensors with the watch command (-n 2 is usually enough
> time resolution).  That way, when the fans act up, you'll have real-time
> temp feedback.  I don't know what the "appropriate file" is, but a
> real-time two second delay information might help you pinpoint the problem.
> Jordan
> On 01/24/2017 03:57 PM, Victor Forberger wrote:
> <snip>
>> - Fans run full speed. Tried sensors-detect, which came up with little
>> more than Core Temp, which I then manually added to the appropriate
>> file. No change in behavior. But, when I boot from the latest kernel but
>> in recovery mode, the fans run at normal pace and the computer is nearly
>> silent.
> <snip>
>> Thanks,
>> Victor

The appropriate file is:

> /etc/modules-load.d$ cat modules.conf 
> # /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
> #
> # This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded
> # at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.
> # Chip drivers
> # coretemp

Commenting coretemp out has no change.

Sensors produces the following output:

> $ sensors
> coretemp-isa-0000
> Adapter: ISA adapter
> Core 0:       +36.0°C  (high = +78.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
> Core 1:       +28.0°C  (high = +78.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)

inxi -s produces the following:

> inxi -s
> Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 44.0C mobo: N/A
>            Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: N/A

fancontrol gets me the following:

> $ fancontrol 
> Loading configuration from /etc/fancontrol ...
> Error: Can't read configuration file

Which brought me to sensors-detect to find the sensor at issue,
coretemp, and get the driver for that sensor loaded at startup in

But, adding that driver did nothing -- the sensors, inxi -s, and
fancontrol commands produce the same output as indicated above.

And, I cannot understand why a recovery boot has the fans running
normally but a regular boot has the fans running full speed. Any
explanations about the difference between the two kinds of boot?

take care,

Victor Forberger
vforberger at fastmail.fm
blog: http://linuxatty.wordpress.com

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