[xubuntu-users] busybox
Ulli Horlacher
framstag at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Mon Jan 16 11:05:50 UTC 2017
On Fri 2017-01-13 (14:27), Dr. Heiko Pollmeier wrote:
> After the last update to kernel I end up to a root shell, but
> not to a graphical login screen.
> The command startx leads to nothing. How do I regain the login screen?
It says "busybox"?
Then your grub boot is damaged.
Try to boot with a rescue disk and reinstall grub.
Ullrich Horlacher Server und Virtualisierung
Rechenzentrum TIK
Universitaet Stuttgart E-Mail: horlacher at tik.uni-stuttgart.de
Allmandring 30a Tel: ++49-711-68565868
70569 Stuttgart (Germany) WWW: http://www.tik.uni-stuttgart.de/
REF:<55bebf10-6275-9434-5162-d47168b45919 at t-online.de>
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