[xubuntu-users] Abiword 3.0.2?

James Freer jessejazza3.uk at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 16:03:51 UTC 2017

On 5 February 2017 at 14:42, Peter Flynn <peter at silmaril.ie> wrote:
> On 02/05/2017 12:35 PM, James Freer wrote:
>> On Sat, 4 Feb 2017, Peter Flynn wrote:
>>> On 02/04/2017 09:52 PM, flocculant wrote:
>>>> Abiword is no longer part of the default Xubuntu
>> I liked Abiword as it was straightforward and FFP.
>>> What a pity. It's much more stable than Libre Office.
>> Very true. I have used it sometimes and it is fine. Then another day
>> Ooops - menus disappear or something else.
> I only ever use it to open .docx files I get sent, and either print them
> or Save As...LaTeX
>> Iirc there was a problem with windows fonts as mstcorefonts came up
>> with a window saying downloads problem (can't remember exactly now as
>> I removed it -
> The mscorefonts installer was broken (I think the unzip wrapper around
> zipped fonts had been omitted) — there was a thread on here about it,
> and AFAIK it's been fixed and all is working again.
>> Liberation fonts are supposed to be a direct replacement
> Liberation looks completely different but is cunningly designed to have
> exactly the same character widths as MS-supplied Times, Helvetica, etc.
> so a document written for mscorefonts can substitute Liberation and
> there will be no change to the layout.
>> I don't feel Libreoffice writer has replaced Abiword but I think
>> Abiword development is losing interest.
> Abiword has acquired some silly and unnecessary habits. I just opened it
> and it opened a tiny window and an even tinier empty document (approx
> 2in high by 1in wide). Other times it will open full-screen. Fortunately
> its ability to export rudimentary LaTeX is unaffected.
>> For Linux users it seems Google Docs is the only option left.
> Libre Office still works, except that it insists on using one an
> alternativ way of encoding style names in OOXML, involving two extra
> layers of indirection, instead of the more direct way Word uses, which
> makes it harder to program for. And they still refuse to add a styles
> editing pane, so it's unusable for professional styles editing. But
> that's their funeral: they've been told often enough.
> There is another option: WPS Office (www.wps.com) which is a free
> equivalent for MS Office and runs on everything except Macs. I'm quite
> impressed with it, but for some reason no-one has yet packaged it for
> Linux distributions. Worth a look.
> ///Peter

Thanks I haven't looked at WPS. With Abiword it was v2.8 that was the
last decent bug free version - not 2.5/2/6 as I had written earlier.
My requirements were for preparing docs for teaching  and I found
Abiword fine without some of the complexities that
Openoffice/Libreoffice had designed for.


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