[xubuntu-users] Abiword 3.0.2?

James Freer jessejazza3.uk at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 12:35:33 UTC 2017

On Sat, 4 Feb 2017, Peter Flynn wrote:

> On 02/04/2017 09:52 PM, flocculant wrote:
>> That version is in the repos for Zesty.
>> To get it available for xenial would mean an SRU [1]
>> Abiword is no longer part of the default Xubuntu

I wondered if that was the case. Abiword seemed to have problems after version 
2.5 (or maybe it was 2.6 I can't remember now). The 2.9 was hopeless and 3.0.0 
had a few problems to sort out. Believe it or not I have been using my old 
windows computer with v2.5 just to do word processing. I liked Abiword as it 
was straightforward and FFP.

> What a pity. It's much more stable than Libre Office.

Very true. I have used it sometimes and it is fine. Then another day Ooops - 
menus disappear or something else. Iirc there was a problem with windows fonts 
as mstcorefonts came up with a window saying downloads problem (can't remember 
exactly now as I removed it - Liberation fonts are supposed to be a direct 
replacement and seems ok). I don't feel Libreoffice writer has replaced Abiword 
but I think Abiword development is losing interest. For Linux users it seems 
Google Docs is the only option left.


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