[xubuntu-users] Why no default mount?

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at rocketmail.com
Sat May 7 09:46:53 UTC 2016

This script should work to auto-mount everything, no 1 vs 12 issue,
unneeded dirs shouldn't appear in /mnt, just exotic file systems such
as ufs aren't covered, but even including those is possible.

$ cat amount 
for i in $(lsblk -r |awk '{ print $1 }'|grep -v md |grep -v loop |grep [[:digit:]]|sort|uniq); do 
  mkdir -p /mnt/$i
  mount /dev/$i /mnt/$i
  case $? in
    0) ;;
    *) rmdir /mnt/$i;;

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