[xubuntu-users] Scroll bars jump ahead too far

Lee Gold leegold at operamail.com
Sat Jul 16 21:46:43 UTC 2016

Using 16.04

Might have asked this before. In the old days when you clicked the empty
area of the scroll bar it would jump either 1 page ahead or back from
the current position you were at. The new action seems to be to jump a
proportional amount depending on were you click in the empty scroll bar

IMO I can not stand the new action, it screws me up. I want the old
action. I tried creating /home/giga1/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and
adding the lines: 

gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = false

and rebooted, but that did not stop it. Is there a way to have old way?


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