[xubuntu-users] Xubuntu 16.04

Frode Lindeijer frode at lindeijer.nl
Fri Apr 29 12:10:18 UTC 2016

I recently updrated to 16.04 and everything seems to be working just fine so far. Agreeing with Jules I hadn't touched the Center, but it too seems to be working fine.
You may want to try recreating the USB-bootysticky (maybe even use a new stick if its getting old), or just a reinstall.
Any other quirks?


April 28 2016 11:13 AM, "jules s"  wrote:

Hi Neil!

I highly recommend that you read the release-notes : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/FinalRelease/Xubuntu (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/FinalRelease/Xubuntu)

I am myself a big fan of the lts releases which runs on basically all of my machines. However, I'm also a big fan of the terminal so my question is why it appears to be a bad thing to install software via terminal? apt is (in my point of view) the one and only package manager you'll ever need ;-)

Next Point is that the first 16.04 lts release will be issued sometime in coming june. The current release are not LTS yet ( this is why 'apt-get dist-upgrade' doesn't show any available update yet in your 14.04 version.

I didn't try the ne version yet but I'm looking forward to it when the official lts will be released. I'm sure it can't be THAT bad ;-)
2016-04-28 10:02 GMT+02:00 Neil Winchurst :

 I have just had a look at the new version of Xubuntu. I did this by
burning it to a USB stick and running from there. I have not
installed it.

My first impression is, what a disaster, but perhaps that is just me.
Has anyone else had a look yet? For a start the only way I found to
install some new software was via a terminal. So I installed synaptic
using that and then used it to add other items. I could not get the
new software manager to find anything that was not already installed.
Again, perhaps it is just me.

My current version is 14.04 (I concentrate on the LTS versions) so
perhaps there have been lots of changes along the way that I have

I have also had a look at Mint Rosa Xfce version and that looks great.
So, has anyone had a go at version 16.04?

Just wondering,


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