[xubuntu-users] Next Xubuntu LTS?

Dan Juarez dan at lifeseven.com
Sat Oct 24 20:57:15 UTC 2015

I might be wrong, but I think the next LTS is going to be 16.04 and it 
should be available at least before 14.04 expires.

14.04 is the base LTS version. 14.04.3 is really just patche #3 to the 
14.04 LTS release and should come via normal updates done to your 
system. It's not a major upgrade from 14.04 to 14.04.3.


On 10/24/2015 02:54 PM, Paul Donlan wrote:
> I am a bit confused as to when I should updatemy Xubuntu 14.04 LTSto 
> the next LTS.
>  Is the next Xubuntu LTS 14.04.3 or is the next LTS coming in April 2017?
> Paul Donlan

*Dan Juarez*
dan at lifeseven.com <mailto:dan at lifeseven.com>
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