[xubuntu-users] Setting up a new install

Marc Coevoet sintsixtus at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 21:12:13 UTC 2015

Op 25-11-15 om 22:07 schreef John R. Sowden:
> I am attempting to set up a 14.04 lts xubuntu system on a 3 tb drive.  I
> am trying to use "something else" in the setup menu.  The process is not
> going like the instructions, and if I get to the fifth partition and
> have a problem and want to go back, I loose all my work and have to
> start over at "something else".  After 4 times, I'm here  :) .

I have sometimes more luck when I take a live cd/usb, and run a complete 
gparted, instead of the small partition program that comes with the 
installation.  Sometimes, I need to install gparted in the live session...

in terminal, becoming root is simple, no password for live version ...


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