[xubuntu-users] Not able to execute .sh files

JMZ florentior at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 11:18:32 UTC 2015

Hi Michele,

Make sure you know the file permission level.  If the file is assigned 
to root, use 'sudo' before chmod and chown to change attributes and 

If a file is executable but root, you can use 'sudo sh' to start the script.


On 11/25/2015 06:04 AM, Michele Mor wrote:
> Hi.
> After upgrading to Xubuntu 15.04 I cannot longer execute .sh files.
> I have changed permissions for those files using chmod and if using 
> file manager I right click and look at permissions, the check box for 
> executing the file is selected (ticked).
> But when I right click the file, the option to Execute is not there.
> Even if I try to execute it using terminal nothing happens.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks.
> Michele

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