[xubuntu-users] "Not enough space on disk /boot"

Dave Dodge dododge at dododge.net
Mon May 25 09:43:52 UTC 2015

On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 11:09:44AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Having e.g. /boot on a separated partition makes absolutely no
> sense, resp.  there might be a few exceptions.

Drive encryption is probably the main one for Ubuntu, especially since
the installer makes it pretty easy to turn that on.  The typical
solution is to put /boot outside of the encryption so that grub can
read it.

Supposedly grub *can* be configured to unlock an encrypted /boot
itself, but it's not competely seamless.  For example you may have to
enter the passphrase twice even if /boot is part of /, and there may
be some complications with doing grub updates.

                              -Dave Dodge/dododge at dododge.net

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