[xubuntu-users] dual boot - how to remove one OS

Fernando Duo fernando.duo at gmail.com
Mon May 4 17:13:27 UTC 2015

There is a useful tool call "boot-repair" included in Xubuntu distribution.
I'v used it to restore boot after installin windows 7. It detected both OS
and automatically generates the new boot (even wen it is runned from a live
distribution). It would show you wich OS it detects before applying the
changes, in the expert mode.

Anyway you can also do it manually, by editing Grub configuration file.
Then running Grub.
If you have the file of the running boot, it should be easy deleting just
the remaining lines.

Best regards

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 12:47 PM, Thomas Blasejewicz <nyuwa at hb.tp1.jp> wrote:

> Good evening
> I am (not really) running xubuntu 14.04 LTS - a special flavor tailored
> for translators called Tuxtrans.
> If I install another form of Linux, I am thinking about Mint, parallel
> to xubuntu and later come to the conclusion I don't like it,
> HOW do you remove such a second OS?
> I think I manage to install it, but have never seen anywhere any
> instructions as to how to remove a second OS (including the partition
> that will be created).
> Thank you in advance.
> Thomas
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