[xubuntu-users] Boot Warning

Rob Ward rl.ward at bigpond.com
Sat May 2 23:52:44 UTC 2015

Sorry to return to this...
The message re-appeared this morning on a very cold start,

Error: malformed file press any key to continue

So checked:
/sudo nano /etc/default/gru//b/

and it had kept its alteration to


/Plus closely following Ralph's advice
//sudo //update-grub/
has again worked. but I will just have to check it a few more times...

Some other messages very quickly appeared before the flash screen, but I 
think these are USB related...

*Rob Ward*
Lake Tyers Beach, 3909

On 02/05/15 17:35, Rob Ward wrote:
> Cheers Ralph,
> The message no longer appears, thank you....
> so
> /sudo nano /etc/default/gru//b/
> and altering this line to
> ///
> has worked.
> It was hard to see a clear authoritative voice in the Google hits.  
> Many were too vague..
> However this mailing list has shone through it all!  Thanks folks.
> Just as an aside: I have no idea what I have done, any links that can 
> illuminate the mysteries of Grub?
> *Rob Ward*
> Lake Tyers Beach, 3909
> On 02/05/15 15:31, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> On Fri, 01 May 2015 20:52:18 -0400, JMZ wrote:
>>> On 05/01/2015 07:21 PM, Rob Ward wrote:
>>>> But when my machine is booting, before the splash screens, I get
>>>> this message..
>>>> Error: malformed file press any key to continue
>>> This is quite a facile answer, but maybe your kernel is corrupted in
>>> some way.
>> What does indicate that the kernel might be corrupted?
>> My first guess is, that it's a GRUB issue. What messages appear before
>> this message appears and is waiting for pressing a key? Perhaps only
>> GRUB messages are shown. I suspect that the splash screen does hide
>> upstart messages, so "booting" hasn't started, since no splash screen
>> appeared. Assumed booting should have started, then we should care
>> about log files. However, I googled "malformed file press any key to
>> continue". And my guess, based on the fact that no splash screen
>> appeared, that GRUB might be the culprit, seems to be not that bad.
>> "edit /etc/default/grub and add:
>> # If you want to enable the save default function, uncomment the
>> following # line, and set GRUB_DEFAULT to saved.
>> After saving the file update grub:
>> sudo update-grub" -
>> http://askubuntu.com/questions/473230/malformed-file-warning-on-boot
>> "Error solved (i should work on my patience when using the search
>> function ^-^)
>> Commenting this out in /etc/default/grub fixed it for me.
>> Code: [Select]
>> # If you want to enable the save default function, uncomment the
>> following # line, and set GRUB_DEFAULT to saved.
>> https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=12635.0
>> Even without my guess that GRUB likely is the culprit, just searching
>> the web for "malformed file press any key to continue" resulted in tons
>> of hits. It takes less then one minute.
>>>> Having done the obligatory Google searches I can't find a strong
>>>> lead.
>> So you tried GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true already yourself and it didn't
>> solve the issue?
>> JFTR GRUB and GRBU2 are known to be poor bootloaders. A lot of
>> experienced *nix users don't use it. I'm using it anyway, but I don't
>> upgrade it. IMO there's no need to upgrade GRUB. There's no drawback
>> and the advantage is, that you won't get a buggy update.

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