[xubuntu-users] Boot Warning

JMZ florentior at gmail.com
Sat May 2 00:52:18 UTC 2015

This is quite a facile answer, but maybe your kernel is corrupted in 
some way.

Go to this website 

follow the instructions to create a ppa.  Then, issue the following command

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install linux-generic 
linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic

This should update your kernel to the latest development version.

Okay, I know that some readers aren't going to like my suggestion that a 
user enter the development stream.  Quite honestly, I have never had a 
problem with the kernels released through ppa:canonica-kernel-team.  
Almost every time everything fits together well.


On 05/01/2015 07:21 PM, Rob Ward wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Sorry to have stuffed up original posting, an accidental hijacking 
> occurred,
> and thanks to James for putting me on the right track (I hope).
> I apologise in advance if this is trivial, but it is irritating and 
> also intriguing.
> But when my machine is booting, before the splash screens, I get this 
> message..
> Error: malformed file press any key to continue
> Having done the obligatory Google searches I can't find a strong lead.
> If anyone has a spare moment can you enlighten me please?
> Is it important? (I don't seem to suffer any problems as a result of 
> this message that I know of)
> Or should I just continue to ignore it?
> Or have I missed some update etc?
> *Rob Ward*
> Lake Tyers Beach, 3909
> Lake Tyers Beach Website <http://www.laketyersbeach.net.au>
> XP to XUbuntu - The journey, join me! 
> <http://www.laketyersbeach.net.au/XP2XU.html>

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